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The DFI team’s experience touches on a range of development finance tools that are designed to attract private investment into local community and economic development projects including:

  • Targeted financing (Tax Increment Financing (TIF), Municipal Service Districts (MSDs), etc.)
  • Tax credit financing (historic preservation, new markets, brown fields, low-income housing, etc.)
  • Loan funds (revolving loan funds, emergency loan programs for small businesses, microenterprise loans, and innovative debt and equity hybrid products such as shared equity homeownership, etc.)
  • Secondary market and securitization programs (loan loss reserve funds, supporting the growth of secondary markets)
  • Equity (community development venture capital)
  • Federal programs

For more information about UNC DFI and its services, contact Marcia Perritt at (919) 600-7874 or

UNC DFI services support implementation of local community and economic development priorities that require private investment. DFI can be thought of as an extension of a local government’s planning, finance, economic and community development departments. DFI services include:

  • Assessment of distressed properties
  • Creation of requests for proposals (RFPs) to attract private development into underserved areas
  • Real estate finance and structuring, including identification of investors, lenders, tax credit equity sources and other partners
  • Advising on public-private partnerships and development incentives
  • Assistance with pre-development including market value, cost assumptions, project budgets, operating statements, and marketing data
  • Evaluation of development proposals, agreements and contracts
  • Assessment of developer experience and capacity
  • Development of small business finance programs, including revolving loan funds
  • Opportunity Zones
  • Receivership

For more information about UNC DFI and its services, contact Marcia Perritt at (919) 600-7874 or